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Pasió news: The closing of an era in networking platforms in Spain

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Web site it was a platform that is a reference in the sector of the escorts in Spain. For a long time made it possible for many girls push their services, making them available to a large number of men who were looking for a company to suit your needs.

However, with the implementation of the Law on Comprehensive Warranty of the Sexual Freedom was a matter of time for that this platform will cease its operations, leaving a large vacancy in this industry, many of the users are forced to look for new options and hundreds of girls offering their services as a companion to the drift.

But What motivated the closure and that other platforms were to take his place? Find out in this post.


In Spain, he had a noticeable impact on the sector of contacts and classified ads for escort. Hence that its closure would represent a tragic event for the thousands of users who used to visit him to hire escorts.

Origins and development

Founded at a crucial time for the sector of the advertising of sexual services, emerged as a response to the constraints imposed by the print media. With an innovative approach, allowed the visibility of sex workers and other professionals in the sector in a digital format accessible.

Its creator, Ricardo García Cobadela, he saw the need that was in the sector of connecting people with interests in intimate relationships. This resulted in, which from its inception was known for his simple model in which users could post ads without needing to go through a registration process, promoting an environment full of inclusion and participation.

Popularity and growth

Since its launch, experienced an exponential growth, attracting both users in search of company as a professional sex work, which he has done that, with time, become a benchmark in the sector.

In an environment where the print advertisements became increasingly restricted, the platform offered an alternative space that satisfy the demand of connection and encounter. Your filtration system by category and locations made the search more convenient.

Key success factors

Among the elements that determined the success of it was their ability to adapt quickly to the demands of the market, which made may be maintained in force throughout the years. Added to this was his approach in the security and privacy of users, implementing policies and tools that offered them an environment where they feel comfortable to interact.

Other factors involved were the ease of use of the site, as well as the possibility to publish ads anonymously. In addition, the promotion of in digital media campaigns through direct marketing and an active presence in social networks contributed significantly to that position as a leader in the sector.

Their efforts were able to capture the attention of potential users, helping to maintain its relevance despite the difficulties of the regulations that were introduced later. So all these factors acted to please to give you the visibility needed within the sector and turn it into an option where users could interact with the companions with total confidence.

Legal context of the closure

Gavel and scales of justice

Nothing is forever, and less in the digital world. In the case of its closure was framed in a legal context has been changing with the years, especially in what refers to sex work in Spain. The introduction of new laws provoked a profound impact on how the platforms of contact.

The new Law of the comprehensive warranty of the sexual freedom

Come the month of October, 2022 was the adoption of the Law on comprehensive warranty for sexual freedom (Law only if it is yes) as a way of addressing issues related to gender-based violence and protection of victims of sexual assault. Despite the good intentions of the content of this law was accompanied by controversy, specifically the part that prohibited the advertising of prostitution services.

Impact of the regulations on the advertising of services

Sites like they were harmed directly by the regulations, because its operation was sustained mostly in the advertising of sexual services, so that with their prohibition platform entered struggling to stay afloat. This did that in the end there will remain other than to cease its activity on a permanent basis.

Many users came to this website in search of companions had to look for new alternatives that will not only provide a catalog of escorts varied, but also that they were safe. And is that the legislative changes were drastically reduced the space available for the advertising of sexual services, forcing people dedicated to this practice would have to adapt and survive in an environment increasingly restrictive.

Reactions sector and public opinion

Girl with thumb up and down

With the enactment of the new law also came an intense debate in the society. On the one hand, there were people to support the cause and celebrating the closure of platforms such as arguing that such measures were necessary to combat the trafficking and sexual exploitation.

They also felt that limiting the advertising of sexual services represented a step forward in the protection of the rights of the woman and that it helped to reduce the stigma associated with sex work.

On the side of the critics argued that the application of this law that was to hurt even more the situation for the women who exercised their activity within this sector by forcing them into hiding, thus increasing the risk of being a victim of violence and exploitation.

Movements such as StopAbolicion have requested to see more models balanced to take into account the experiences of those in the sex work and offers solutions that combine the security and autonomy of these people.

Consequences of the closure of

The closure of has had important implications for its users, the industry of online contacts and the debate about liberty and security in sex work.

Affected users

Thanks to many users had the opportunity to establish personal connections with the people who offered their services on this platform, whether you are going to have a meeting, intimate, or simply to serve as a company. So, when it was permanently closed along with the other similar platforms, the options that were within the sector were few.

The loss of this space generated confusion among those who were looking for alternatives, which forced them to have to explore places less specialized. Without a doubt, the users had difficulty finding a replacement to the search of this kind of specific services.

Changes in the industry contacts

The closure of led to a reconfiguration of the industry of adult contacts, making those platforms with less visits had an increase in traffic and in the investment in advertising.

Emerging platforms focused in the service of companions emerged to fill the void left by although many of them require time to adapt to the new regulations. The competition has also intensified, as new applications launched offering proposals varied in order to attract the attention of the user base

Alternatives to

Man using a laptop

With the closure of the sector of the online contacts for adults in Spain was left with a vacancy large to fill.

But with time, different platforms and applications focused on the service of companions emerged as alternatives to in order to give the users of this extinct web site the ability to interact with people and arrange a meeting. These new options were designed to meet your needs in this area in a safe and regulated.

Emerging platforms and their proposal

Do not spend a lot of time for the emerging platforms began to attract the attention of the users regulars All of them were realizing that these new proposals incorporating features that made more rich your user experience and they provided everything you need to look for and find your ideal companion. Among the alternatives to most prominent were:

This platform has an interface designed to make it easier to search and interaction with chaperones, whose profiles are subject to a verification system to ensure its authenticity and security, thus avoiding that you can be deceived. This also helps to enhance the credibility of the site so that more users feel the confidence to visit him and further enhance its reputation.

Its user-friendly interface along with its focus on privacy and discretion make one of the best alternatives to

There, you will have access to a wide range of profiles with detailed information that will make easier the task of finding a companion that suits your preferences. And the best thing is that you will be able to carry out this process feeling confident that your personal information will be safe thanks to the protocols implemented for this platform in terms of security.

While not offering sexual services direct, this platform allows you to interact and find companion in a safe and controlled manner. In addition to a catalog of attractive escorts to choose from, it provides a space for you to interact with any of them, thus helping to foster connections authentic.

Thanks to its tools to facilitate communication, and your options to manage the privacy CitaPasion has positioned itself as an alternative to you can't miss.

Conventional applications for contacts

In tune with the emerging platforms many people are also making use of applications appointments conventional to search for companions or someone with whom you have an intimate encounter.

And while they are not promoted within a context of erotic, all of these apps have been made a place in the options of those users who are looking for connections to casual. All are made to give you an experience accessible and varied. That said, here are the apps conventional but listed among the users who are looking for casual encounters:


Was this functionality “swiping” what revolutionized the way in which people interacted with each other. And, once you taste it you will notice how easy it is to search for matches on this platform taking into account the interests and location.

In addition, despite having a more general approach, many users make use of this platform to find someone with whom to have an informal meeting or a casual date. Thanks to its simplicity, the use of Tinder encompasses a variety of age groups, consolidate its position as one of the apps of dating more successful.

In the world of apps dating Tinder is one of the most popular, thanks to its intuitive interface and its dynamics that lies in the swiping profiles to the right or to the left to express that you like them or not.


If you are looking for an app with an interface that is focused on the socialization and interaction, then Badoo is the option that you need.

Since its launch as a web site in 2006, this platform has gone through a process of evolution that has led her to currently be one of the apps most dating used. Thanks to its design you look for people nearby and start a conversation with them will be a breeze. To do this you will have functions like “Encounters” where you can score profiles based on the photos, making more rich your user experience in the platform.

But, Badoo does not only deals with putting profiles at your disposal, but also focuses its efforts on providing you with a safe and secure environment. For this, it has a system of verification of profiles, which ensures that the profiles with which you interact to be real people. It also has tools that allow you to block fake accounts and spam.


Here are the women who give the first step to break the ice and start the conversation. Without a doubt, an initiative that could be convenient for many users as it allows them to take charge and control the pace of the conversation. The mechanics in this platform is similar to that of Tinder, though unlike this focuses on empowering women.

Its function Opening Moves implemented in this year, gives as a woman the opportunity to establish phrases to start conversations and to use it as a starting point for addressing most interesting topics that may lead you to make an appointment and to continue that conversation in person.

Evaluation of the user experience

System of assessment with emojis

The alternatives to you have woken up different opinions between the users where some positively evaluated the safety and the facilities offered by these new platforms, while others miss the uniqueness and specificity of

In the case of the emerging platforms, the majority of users positively evaluated the implementation of verification systems to validate the identity of the users who create a profile on these platforms, contributing to the increase in confidence in their services. However, the nature of most conventional of some of the applications of dating can be unsatisfactory for those looking for experiences that are more geared towards the adult world.

Future platforms of contacts in Spain

Person looking at the horizon with binoculars

The future of platforms and escort in Spain is presented complex and full of challenges because, due to the rules governing the promotion of this type of service in the internet, they must now operate in a dynamic environment, and restricted. Although this may represent a gateway to new opportunities, it also poses serious difficulties for the actors involved.

Challenges and opportunities in the new legal environment

The current legal framework imposes important limits that affect platforms and escort in Spain, which must find creative solutions to operate within this complex legal situation. However, these challenges can become opportunities if addressed properly.

Adaptation to the laws

The legislation about the services of escorts has evolved, introducing stricter regulations. This means that the platforms are forced to make a series of changes to adjust the way in which they are displayed ads, as well as the verification of profiles, and the handling of personal data.

Comply with these new laws will be essential to the continuity of these platforms in the market. Hire the services of a legal advisor can be favorable for these platforms so that they can develop internal policies that help put them in the course of legal right. This result may also help to convert them into a competitive differentiator to demonstrate its commitment to legality, and ethics.

Change in the profile of the users

In regards to the demographics of the users, this can be modified by the effect of the regulation, encouraging those platforms that manage to attract a wider audience and diverse.

It means that to the extent that they implement new laws, the users will choose to migrate to platforms that give them an environment where they can access the profiles of escorts verified and interact with them safely. So that the emerging platforms have the opportunity to diversify their offerings to appeal to different segments of the market.

One way they could do this is by creating educational content about sexuality and relationships, or well-developed features and functionalities that may enhance the safety of the interactions that are generated within these platforms.

Safety promotion

Focus improvements in the creation of safe spaces for users can make the difference for the platforms of escorts who seek to stay afloat in the market.

It is as well as the implementation of robust systems of verification of users together with clear protocols to handle problematic situations are measures that may be generated between the users are confident enough to enter into these platforms and become regulars.

All of this will not only help to prevent fraud and abuse, but it will also attract demographics more spacious. In addition, these websites companions can benefit from promoting a culture of respect and consent among its users. To achieve this may include educational campaigns about safe practices and consensus, as well as resources to help users to set clear boundaries in their interactions.

Possible technological innovations

The evolution of technology can play a critical role in the future of the platforms companions because they can improve the user experience on your search process, as well as to effectively address the aspects of privacy and security. Among the innovations that these platforms can take to optimize their services are:

Artificial intelligence: With the incorporation of this technology platforms chaperones can optimize the process of pairing users. Here the AI would generate proposals more successful based on complex algorithms that analyze preferences and behaviors.

Blockchain: Through this technology, the platforms of escorts can guarantee its users to security in the transactions that take place within the platform, as well as protection of your personal information, fostering an environment of greater trust.

Improved interaction: The interaction between the users within these platforms can be potentiated by the use of features of gamification and chatbots, making them more attractive and dynamic.

The role of the international regulations

Hand holding a projection of the Earth

Global trends in the regulation of sex work and the networking platforms will also influence the development of the sector in Spain. The country does not operate in a vacuum and must consider the lessons learned from other jurisdictions.

  • Successful models: To analyze the approach of other countries in the regulation may provide valuable information on effective practices that promote both the safety and the freedom of choice of the people involved.
  • International cooperation: The exchange of ideas and strategies between countries can facilitate the implementation of regulations that balance the protection and the autonomy of sex workers.
  • Impact of foreign policies: The making of regulations in other locations can affect the public perception and the dynamics of the market in Spain, making the local platforms are more cautious or innovative in their approach.

Perspective of the workers and sex workers

Girl in the street at night

The impact of the changes introduced by the legislation that regulates the promotion of ads from escorts in the panorama of the platforms that offer this type of service have unleashed an intense debate about the situation of persons who perform this job. And is that, after the close of the perception of this group has become more vulnerable, making necessary an analysis of the implications that brings this reality.

Insecurity and vulnerability post-closure

Notable has been the rise of insecurity among sex workers after the closure of since this was one of the few spaces where they could have the opportunity to promote their services safely. This situation makes many see the need to operate in a clandestine manner, thus increasing their vulnerability and making them more likely to be victims of exploitation and violence.

In the face of these circumstances, many feel the fear of being sentenced for exercising his work, having to maintain a low profile to provide its services.

The increase in criminalization of advertising job-related sexual has led many to abandon completely their work, as they continue they would be in conditions that would be in grave danger. Here, the precariousness becomes a norm, and with it, problems arise from physical and mental health to not be able to access appropriate support services.

Debate on the legalization and regulation

The debate on the legalization and regulation of sex work in Spain is another result generated with the closure of

On one side we have those who offered their support to the measure, calling it a necessary step to eradicate the exploitation and to protect women from this scourge. On the other end are those who condemn the effects of legislation on the basis that these simplify a complex reality. Suggest a rethinking of the scope of the same to provide sex workers with an environment and fair conditions for exercising safely on your activity.

Without a doubt, this is a debate full of emotions and different opinions. Many sex workers propose an approach that recognizes their autonomy and right to choose how and where they work, emphasizing that the criminalization will not eliminate sex work, but that only pushed to the shadows, where the exploitation becomes more prevalent.

Voices and experiences of people affected

Girl in the sombrto

The perspectives of sex workers are diverse. Many have shared their experiences of insecurity since the closure of, stressing that the lack of secure platforms has made them feel helpless. This group advocates the importance of creating spaces for dialogue, to listen to their real needs and concerns.

Some workers have reported an increase in gender-based violence, mentioning that not having a place where you become visible, the risk of attacks has grown, while others have found new ways to connect, but these methods are not always safe or legal.

On the other hand, access to health and support services has decreased, which further complicates the situation for professional and personal of this group. The voices of these people are essential to understanding the crisis caused by the change in legislation.

Collective defense as StopAbolicion struggle to give visibility to these experiences, trying to influence the public opinion and in the formulation of policies that provide for the dignity and safety of sex workers.

We hope that all the information provided on the closure of not only will you have provided an insight on the subject, but also will be useful for you to find other platforms escorts where you can interact and find the person that suits your preferences.

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